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A new sort of "literature search"

Francis Davey has shown me a fantastic geeky toy! Google  put their library of books through a word counter and built a nice web front-end. Here's an example that shows the growth of the word "Google" in books.

To see which UK political party leaders have got written about, see here
Whatever happened to the "Warsaw Pact"? Not only did this "Eastern Bloc" organisation die, people stopped writing about it pretty fast.
Was HIV ever "new"? Yes it was as was the "New Town" called Milton Keynes.

And what do you call that country bordered by China, Thailand, India, Laos and Bangladesh? Is "healthy eating" a new fad? Maybe not but the expression (and some close ones) is. Real Ale was born in the 1970s while Alcopops were a child of the 1990s.

Wow! I wonder if it will go viral?
